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Thursday, 26 April 2018

New Snap Spectacles will be Announced Later this Week

A new, updated version of Snap’s wearable Spectacles glasses is coming this week, according to a report from Wired. However, there’s almost no actual information as to what the second-generation smart glasses might look like or how they’ll be different from the original model.
Last month, Cheddar reported that Snap was working on two new versions of the Spectacles wearable cameras: a more modest upgrade that would offer bug fixes, improved performance, and new colors, and a more drastic update that would feature two camera lenses and could cost up to $300. Earlier this month, the FCC published documents for a “wearable video camera” from Snap Inc. with “Spectacles” and “Model 002” branding, which seemed confirm that the simpler upgraded model was on the way.
Snap’s original Spectacles were a flash-in-the-pan success when they first launched, in part due to the viral hype surrounding them and Snap’s gradual rollout of the colorful, Snapchat-enabled video glasses. But that early hype didn’t translate into long-term success, eventually leaving the company with hundreds of thousands of unsold units, amounting to a $40 million loss in unsold inventory.

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